vermont goes green.

Killdeer Farm worker Sarah Herr transplants arugula into a field along U.S. Route 5 in Norwich, VT. Killdeer Farm workers started transplanting early in the afternoon and hope to finish their first row of the season by the end of the day.

This image is © 2010 Valley News and may not be reprinted or used without permission.


Someone said...

Aaron, hi,

You might want to consider 4 or 5 posts per page, your photoblog loads quite slow.

And congrats for your work.

Sarah Beth Glicksteen said...

C'mon. Vermont goes green? Vermont's been green for a while now. ;)

Aaron said...

g-steen... that was a reference to spring. even the snow is green there.

Sarah Beth Glicksteen said...

Oh. I get it.

Aaron said...

haha. no worries. when do you go to romania?