leaving maple grove.
i want to share what i have so far on a story i am working on about the maple grove trailer park. well, here's the intro:

the 12 tenants of Maple Grove Trailer Park in Bulger, Pa., live month-to-month on fixed incomes; some are slowed by age or illness, others own trailers that are too old to move or can't be moved because of additions and renovations. On August 5, 2009, a constable handed out papers saying the residents had 15 days to move, on orders of the latest in a succession of owners.


photophanatic1887 said...


photophanatic1887 said...

I really love the first and the last shot. They really feeeeel like the story you are telling.

August Kryger said...

Compelling stuff, and I totally agree with Chelsea about the first and last shots.

Aaron said...

Thanks guys.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Maple Grove Trailer Park from age 6 through 12-13-years-old. I cannot believe what's become of it. I had some very good and bad memories of that place. To find your photos of Maple Grove instantly transported me back to those memories. And, to think what has become of the trailer park just astounds me!