Line Drumming at Faurot Field. These groups were intense.

Where have I seen something like this before?


Craig Dilger said...
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Jeronimo Nisa said...

Very nice moments, light and colors.

Is it true you're gonna be away from school for 1 year? Andrei told me about it.
What paper will you intern for?
Good luck, dude, and all the best!

Aaron said...

Yeah man. I'm going to work for the Idaho Falls Post-Register. Good luck to you too. Keep me posted on your work.

Sheila Johnson said...

We'll miss you!

I like these pictures a lot... the selective depth of field, colors, geometry. Inspiring. The top one is divine, and the more abstract one with all the (trumpet?) players from above and afar could be in one of those cheesy Kodak 'how to be a better phtographer' guides. Great!

Aaron said...

Thanks Sheila. I'll miss ya too. Keep me updated on all the happenings in Missouri.