Mud Volleyball casualty.


Ikuru said...

It's a funny picture, but I think you should have got down and got a close up of the guy's face or something. I assume there was a lot of action and good expression during or even after the game. If you got closer and dirtier, the pictures would have been livelier and interesting. Though, I know we all need to get closer to make good enough pictures...

Amanda said...

I keep thinking this guy is dead.

ben fredman said...

I like the foot leaping out of the mud, otherwise the photos are good, but not too interesting, as Ikuru mentioned. Some nice stuff on here, keep up the good work.

I'm sure I'll get more/better Tefillin stuff, the first day working on a project is usually a good introduction to the idea and the people before going back to get better and stronger photographs. I'm glad you want to see the old man praying like he's going to die tomorrow, and I'll look for that, but if he's not, which he wasn't, I'm not sure what I can do.