Boot Camp started today. I found it very time consuming. Boot Camp is what the faculty and students at UM's Journalism school call the 2 week writing pre-requisite I am currently taking. It evens says Boot Camp on the class syllabus; which is why I don't bother to quote it.

Boot Camp starts at 9 and ends at 6. Sitting on the Columbia Missourian's budget meeting was the highlight of today's class. I will get to do this everyday at 11am Central Time. The work does not seem difficult, but it is time consuming. All students must have the Columbia Missourian read by the time Boot Camp starts. Fortunately, the lectures end on Friday and the students take over the newsroom. Unfortunately, Boot Camp can affect the amount of time I spend on this blog.

If anyone is interested in learning more about Columbia, MO, the Columbia Tribune published an informative booklet, Our Town.

It is worth your knowing that Columbia has two independently operated Farmer's Markets at two different locations. However, they operate during the same hours.

I also found this publication funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not to pick nits, but what you should say is, "... which is why I didn't bother to put quotations around it." (Changes are obviously in italics.)